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28 November 2005

Having a Bad Day

The days simply pile up, all of the normal frustrations of solopreneurship focused on a single event – I must know everything because I must do everything therefore mistakes are many and costly.

Because of being beguiled by new (free) software from Microsoft and the inadvertent installation of server software, the entire system was reinstalled costing over a week in time, $400 in direct costs (services), and the loss of hundreds of dollars in legal but unretrievalable software.

Being an executive, regardless of the company’s size, is a balance of paradoxes; trying to balance learning against immediate action, and usually leads to huge failures. It is a wonder any of us last long enough to make it financially as well as emotionally. We live in world designed and built for the 95% that are secure in the knowledge that someone else is signing their checks, and therefore deciding their worth.

I do not want special consideration, just a society that gets it instead of being villainized at every opportunity.

We are not sheepeople, livestock to be herded at the whim of the unproductive to produce more milk or meat for their latest avarice.

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