Wasted 3 days this week, can't seem to self motivate and therefor self manage. One big transition for me is the move toward becoming a survivalist in preparation for the coming disaster of America's suicide. Given the countries political incompetence, we have created a government and society that is not sustainable. A government that makes the wrong promises is having two unacceptable consequences: a society of dependence and a series of undeliverable expectations. People believe this government, regardless of political party, will take care of them and are living with that expectation. Our spirit of self reliance and independence has been seriously damaged at exactly the time when it will be the difference between living a life worth living and merely existing. The unfunded mandates coming due over the next 20 years will force the government to raise taxes on the remaining workforce to a level that will destroy the economy at the same time it reneges on those the promises leaving people destitute. The only people who will prosper are the self reliant and most of them are entrepreneurs and business owners.
I need to redeploy the principals of hard corps to self motivate and self manage. As I review my life, the greatest success occurred when I knew the rules and had a clear path to that success, and then made the purpose behind all activities; professional and otherwise, its achievement. My greatest success was working through the ranks as an enlisted member of the Coast Guard to attend OCS (1 of 18 from 2,000 candidates) and become an officer. Since that time, with every business venture, although successful - I have never achieved at the same level.
That is the excitement, at a very personal level, of building the library of best practices. I built it as much for myself as for my global brothers and sisters - entrepreneurs. My posts of the next weeks will be to address those principals and detail our path.
So You Are Supposed to Sell
4 years ago